BABIES PHOTO SESSIONS within their first month

There it is that small bundle so desidered and already so loved.
You have learned to know him and feel him in your belly, but never would you have immagined such an overwhelming experience. Nothing could be associated with the first time your eyes met or the first time you held him in your arms: so small and so delicate. You would like that moment to be eternal and it can be in your heart.
I will help you keep alive those memories of this small new life who soon will grow and will give you so much love.
This session will take place in your home with no rush, nor stress.
The soft muffled sounds that he/she felt in your tummy, the warmth of a hug, will make this session a memorable one.
I will re-create various sets in which your baby will feel protected and cuddled and keep those natural positions he had when in your belly.